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Dear Ambassador Pic,

After the talk with Ambassador Pic on March 3, 2020, Japanese minister of justice Mori doesn't mention the talk with the Ambassador about access to children by separated parents at all. However...

"It does not mean that I have ignored talks with Ambassador Pic on joint custody." On March 10, 2020, Japanese Minister of Justice Mori admitted fainally at Diet that she had talked about access rights and joint custody with Ambassador Pic of France.

The Minister has concealed this fact from the public for a week and has misled the joint custody legislation as a mere case story. She has a fanatical feminist ideology and therefore tries to prevent access rights of children and joint custody legislation in Japan.

We, separated parents in Japan, hope that Ambassador Pic should continue to claim joint custody and access rights of children in Japan. We will fight for access rights of Children and joint custody together with separated parents in France.

                                                          Sincerely Yours






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